Tuesday 27 July 2010

Getting ready to party

Today I went round to my daughters to prepair for the weekend retirement party, cut the lawns trimmed the edges and strimmed back the borders.
Must say it looks a lot better, couldn't find a brush so will need to go back tomorrow to finish the job.

Came back home at lunchtime and my daughter Kerry came round to see if my wife was going to Sutton Coldfield, well off they went, feeling sticky after my mornings labour I went in the shower and got changed. Not bad this retirement I now have some free time.

I really don't fully understand about blogging as I have just uploaded a photo and edited my profile, I was asked to list blogs I am following but where are these blogs I have never read one!!!

Is anyone really out there reading this? if so please let me know and tell me where I can find your blog I would be interested to find out if I am going about it the right way.

Kathryn as just returned from shopping and did you know Sainsbury's still do not have any oatmeal!!!! read this and take note Sainsbury's I have just told the world.

Well, tomorrow I will be going round to my daughters to finish cleaning up the garden and I will be putting up the gazebo and party tent with a little help from my friends (wife and middle daughter Kerry) she is on holiday from work this week.

It's all happening, but must say though my knee is playing up I could hardly walk down the stairs I have put on a knee bandage it's got to be OK for bopping at the weekend.

Well whoever may be reading this I am off now, might put some more on tomorrow.

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