Sunday 18 March 2012

Don't do it Mr Cameron - Leave Mr & Mrs alone!!!!

Mr Cameron

You are infringing my Human Rights and the rights of millions of other married couples.

I am not a religious person but I married my wife in church and was pleased that I had made this commitment and as husband and wife are now in our 43rd year of marriage.

Mr & Mrs Cameron are you not proud to be a married couple, are you not husband and wife, if you personally can give these things up lightly, may I suggest asking Mrs Cameron her opinion.

These are titles that are much loved and been in existence forever and cannot be dismissed casually, my wife and I are not just partners we are husband and wife and always will be, ask the nation even I know what the opinion would be.

I am sure gay couples would like to make a commitment in a ceremony within the church but not to infringe on the right of others to maintain their titles of Mr & Mrs, Husband &Wife, Bride and Groom.

Gay couples could have an option to make a Solemn pledge to each other before God with a commitment to Love and Cherish each other until death do they part but as they can't be man and wife would they really like to have our titles removed from documents for ever.

What would Gay couples themselves like to be titled after making a commitment by marriage, I am sure they have given this much thought and would realise they can't infringe on the rights of others to keep their titles.

I also object as with others that the term partner on forms that need to be completed as offensive to all married couples as we are not partners but husband and wife after taking our vows.

Please Mr Cameron - Ask the 'Nation' what they want!!!