Tuesday 3 August 2010

Retirement Party

Well, the party's over.

It was a great night we had about 30 guests who all needed to be put up after the party and as it was held at my daughters which is just around the corner from our house she put here rooms to good use and everyone else had to walk round to our house.

We had 3 bedrooms spare and filled these and had lilo's in the lounge and dinning room, we managed quite well.

Breakfast was a long drawn out affair as we didn't get to bed until 3.00am and it took a long while for everyone to get up and eat.

No one then seemed to want to go, our last guests did not go until after tea, wow! we where shattered and went to bed early.

Monday was my birthday 65 years old and we had to start the big clear up, I was taking down the lights, party tent, gazebo and dance floor collecting all the chairs and borrowed tables, loading them into the car, delivering them to their owners and the rest storing in our garage.

Kathryn was busy washing up, clearing up and tidying away the bedding and quilts etc. we were shattered but hey! it was a good party!!! we had another early night and slept solid, can't wait for the next do, hope someone else is putting it on though.

Today been busy getting ready to go away in the caravan, going to Morgan Porth on Thursday with our granddaughter, taking the wet suits and body boards, Kathryn has been busy ironing and getting things together ready to put into caravan. I've been to our caravan storage site with water and a ladder and washed the van, put in the leisure battery and check the tyres everything ready to rumble!!!

Just a few jobs to do tomorrow and we should be ready for the off, hoping the weather holds up and we will finally be able to relax, wind down and have a good time.

We will put some pictures up of the hols when we return.

By for now!!!!